Swiss m4m Center
2544 Bettlach
At the Pulse of Additive Manufacturing.
We are an additive manufacturing center for medical applications that promote the development and usage of 3D printing by focusing all process know-how in a validated environment.
WHY To change the way we think and operate.
HOW With the understanding of specific clinical needs, the use of additive manufacturing and quality assurance according ISO 13485. Supported by partners of the medical industry.
WHAT By providing 3D printed products and services dedicated to medical applications.
About Us
Newly founded in 2019, the Swiss m4m Center can rely on highly experienced collaborators and partners.
With a strong understanding in additive manufacturing, clinical needs and quality assurance, we focus on providing specific technology expertise, mainly in the field of Traumatology, Spine, Orthopedics and Dental surgery.
0 Professoren
1 Forscher / Doktoranden / Postdocs
3 Techniker
Nicolas Bouduban
+41 79 601 32 38
News von Swiss m4m Center
We take a hands-on approach to our courses - and here is why...
Praxiszirkel Additive Fertigung - Additiv gefertigte Implantate
Empa Akademie - 3D Drucken in der Medizintechnik
3D Drucken in der Medizintechnik