09:30 – 17:00 EMPA, Ueberlandstrasse 129, 8600 Dübendorf

Exploring Negative Emission Technologies in the Plastic Industry

Carbon Removal Booster

As various industries are beginning their journey towards net zero, we invite you to gain insights into existing approaches to mitigating CO2 emissions in different sectors and to explore novel and innovative ideas for achieving carbon removal beyond emissions reductions. We aim to bring together established industry players, scientists, and start-ups in order to exchange thoughts and discuss ideas for advancing the industry towards net zero together.

In addition, you will have the chance to visit NEST – the modular research and innovation building of Empa and Eawag where new technologies, materials and systems are tested, researched and further developed under real conditions. Finally, alumni and current participants of the Innovation Boosters “Zero Emissions Plastics” and “Carbon Removal” will share their experiences of participating in the program and developing radical ideas.


09:30Welcome coffee
Speaker Carbon Removal and P4ZE
Switzerland’s long-term Climate Strategy - The role of NET in achieving the 2050 goal

Bettina Kast, BAFU
Scientific Viewpoint on Negative Emission Technologies

Roland Hischier, Empa
11:10Coffee break
11:25Best practices from the plastic industry
GF Semadeni-Group
Luca Tschurtschenthaler, Neustark
12:05Best practices from the textile industry
Nina Bachmann, Swiss Textiles
12:25Lunch break
13:15Site Visit NEST@EMPA (only for registered participants, limited capacity)
14:00About the Innovation Booster funding programm
Speaker Carbon Removal and P4ZE
14:10Best practices from the sport industry
Turning carbon emissions into running shoes
Announcing CleanCloud™ – a new high-performance foam for running shoes, created
using carbon emissions as a raw material.

Nils Altrogge, ON
15:10Startup and idea pitch, Supported by ImpactHub (5-10 mins each)
16:30Outro Innovation Boosters
Speaker Carbon Removal and P4ZE
16:40Networking apéro


Überland Str. 129, 8600 Dübendorf, Schweiz

Karte Veranstaltungsort

Ueberlandstrasse 129
8600 Dübendorf
