09:00 – 12:00 Swiss Nanoscience Institute SNI, Klingelbergstrasse 82, 4056 Basel

User Event 2024 of SNI’s Nano Imaging Lab

The Nano Imaging Lab would like to invite you to our third User Event. By short talks the wide spectrum of applications done in our lab will be presented and the event offers the opportunity to discuss with other users. The meeting is open to everybody, who is interested in the activities of the Nano Imaging Lab, not only to users.

Please register by sending a mail until 27 March 2024 to nanoimaging@unibas.ch


09:00Welcome Note
Dr. Marcus Wyss
09:15High Quality Ge/Si Heterostructures for Spin Qubits Applications
Arianna Nigro, Department of Physics, University of Basel
09:30Functionalization of Metal Nanoparticles: How Spark Ablation Creates Versatile Particles for Effective Coating of TiO2
Benjamin Gfeller, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Basel
09:45Enhanced Electron Spin Coherence in a GaAs Quantum Emitter
Giang N. Nguyen, Department of Physics, University of Basel
10:00Coffee Break
10:30Dental Plaque Biofilm: How Structure Determines Function
Dr. Viktoriya Shyp, University Center for Dental Medicine Basel (UZB)
10:45Scanning NV Magnetometry of Focused-Electron-Beam-Deposited Cobalt Nanomagnets
Liza Žaper, Department of Physics, University of Basel
11:00Mimicking the T6SS Speargun to Examine the (P. aeruginosa) Retaliatory Phenotype
Mitchell Brüderlin, Biozentrum, University of Basel
11:15Magnetic Properties of an Individual Magnetospirillum Gryphiswaldense
Mathias Claus, Department of Physics, University of Basel
11:30Closing Remarks/Award Ceremony for Thomas Zünd (mz partner GmbH)
Dr. Marcus Wyss


Swiss Nanoscience Institute SNI
Klingelbergstrasse 82, 4056 Basel, Schweiz

Map location

Swiss Nanoscience Institute SNI
Klingelbergstrasse 82
4056 Basel
