04 Dec 2023
10:00 – 19:00 Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW Hochschule für Technik, Klosterzelgstrasse 2, 5210 Windisch

Photonics 4 Space


Photonics is of vital importance for many space applications including areas such as telecommunications, earth observation, and space exploration. It is the fundamental technology for high-speed, low-power communications, remote sensing, imaging, navigation, guidance and many more. It is expected that the importance of Photonics will continue to grow in the next decades. 

In this workshop we will address the newest technical results, upcoming challenges and opportunities in photonics for space. It will be complemented by presentations on new and established initiatives & organizations and roadmaps.

Deadline for registration 29 November 2023


Detailed Program

10:45 Registration
11:15 Technologies and Markets - I
12:00 Labtour and lunch
13.30 Technologies and Markets - II
14:30 Networking break
15:00 Technologies and Markets - III
16:00 Networking break
16:30 Initiatives, organizations and roadmaps
17:30 Apéro
19:00 End


Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW Hochschule für Technik
Klosterzelgstrasse 2, 5210 Windisch, Schweiz

Map location