08:14 – 16:14 ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich

Swiss Tribology 2024

EMPA Materials Science and Technology

Swiss Tribology Logo Header

Swiss Tribology 2024 will be held this year at the renowned ETH Zurich. Save the date, August 20, 2024, and be part of this exceptional event!

The conference is aimed at all scientists working in the field of tribology or those interested in this exciting field. Our event offers a unique platform for the exchange of the latest research findings, innovative technologies, and practical applications.

Experience a variety of lectures and presentations by leading experts, interactive discussion sessions, and exciting networking opportunities.


08:30Welcome Coffee
09:15Tribological investigations under varying pressure atmosphere
Felix Zak – Optimol Instruments
09:45Phase space description of surface topography and application in gear systems by means of angular resolved light scattering
Boris Brodmann - OptoSurf
10:15Coffee Break
10:30Optimizing Diamond Like Carbon coatings for gears
Emanuel Tack – Oerlikon Surface Solutions
11:00Intrinsic surface stabilization: Enhancing surface integrity through mass finishing
Florian Reinle – OTEC Präzisionsfinish
11:30In-situ extreme micromechanics for tribology applications
Renato Pero – Alemnis
13:00Switchable tribology of ferroelectrics
Seongwoo, Cho – University of Geneva
13:30A close(er) look into metalworking fluid action
Michael Eglin – Blaser Swisslube
14:00The use of a pin-on-disk tribometer for specific cases of Biotribology
Jiri Nohava, Ana Fuentes – Anton Paar TriTec
14:30Coffee Break
15:00Additive manufacturing of ceramic components: challenges and opportunities
Senad Hasanovic – Ceramaret
15:30Analysis of tribological behavior of arc-PVD coatings applied to can seaming tools
Fernando Santiago – SADOSA


ETH Zürich
ETH Zürich Hauptgebäude, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz

Karte Veranstaltungsort

ETH Zürich
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zürich
