13:45 | Welcome and Concept of Materials IQ Dr. Marcus Morstein, Hightech Zentrum Aargau AG and Dr. Jörg Güttinger, Association NTN Innovative Surfaces |
14:00 | Extreme Tribology – Of the Running in of a Tribosystem Prof. Dr. Matthias Scherge, Fraunhofer IWM MikroTribologie Centrum, DE-Freiburg/Karlsruhe |
14:40 | MAX Compression 2.0 – Solutions for Wear and Tear in Hydrogen Compression Christoph Nagl, MAT Maximator Advanced Technology, AT-Wien (Online Presentation) |
15:00 | Break |
15:30 | Modeling friction and wear across scales Prof. Dr. Jean-François Molinari, Computational Solid Mechanics Laboratory, EPF Lausanne |
16:10 | Online monitoring and faults predictions for industrial tribo-systems Dr. Sergey Shevchik, Empa, Thun |
16:40 | Abrasion resistance and frictional behavior for different types of DLC surface treatments Mirko Zago, ARGOR-ALJBA SA, Mendrisio |
17:00 | Discussion, Future Topics |
17:20 | Apéro Riche and Networking |
Badenerstrasse 13, 5200 Brugg, Schweiz
Badenerstrasse 13
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