Faculty of Biomedical Sciences

Via G. Buffi 13
6904 Lugano


Our Faculty

USI Faculty of Biomedical Sciences was established in 2014 with the aim of addressing an important national problem: the dearth of physicians trained in Switzerland. Hence, the Faculty offers a Master degree of Medicine which started in 2020. Furthermore, the Faculty is also offering doctoral programmes, postgraduate education, and programmes in the field of biomedical entrepreneurship.

Mission of the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences

The mission of the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences adheres to the overall mission of USI, and aims at:

  • providing quality education, following a balanced compromise between the most modern didactic tools and trends in medical education, and the strong model of the Swiss academic tradition;
  • carrying out internationally relevant scientific research in its areas of competence;
  • contributing to the growth and development of the region by sharing knowledge and innovation.

Our expertise

USI has a wide expertise on nano-materials in general, ranging from theoretical and computational to experimental perspectives.
Particular attention is also posed to biomedical applications, following the safety-by-design paradigm.

Cross-sectional areas



Titular Professor Giuseppe Perale
Adjunct Professor - Faculty of Biomedical Sciences
