16.09.2024 – 18.09.2024 Sala Town Hall, Centro Congressi, Hotel Giò Wine & Jazz Area, Via Ruggero D'Andreotto 19, 06124 Perugia (PG)

Industrialization of Perovskite Thin Film Photovoltaic Technology

The advent of hybrid perovskites in the family of solar cell technologies is spurring tremendous research activities worldwide. The major thrust for endorsing this thin film technology consists of the competitive power conversion efficiencies, low manufacturing costs and interoperability with well established technologies such as crystalline silicon and CIGS. Following the huge research effort with thousands of scientific publications every year, industrial implementation has gained impetus.

This workshop shall capture the most important developments in the field of industrialization of perovskite solar cells by bringing together a panel of industrial representatives of the major players. With this workshop we intend to update and inform about the progresses made and challenges faced by companies pushing forward industrialization of perovskite solar cells. Targeted are scientists and engineers in the field of solar cells as well as industrialists and investors being interested in this raising field.

Deadline of registration, July 31, 2024


The detailed program follows.
